Electronic format of Abstract Books (all volumes)

Photos From İnternational Conference

Photos From İnternational Conference
Photos From İnternational Conference

Online Assessment Survey

Paper Submission

Paper guidelines
·      Authors are directly responsible for the quality and accuracy of indicated facts and Azerbaijan State Agricultural University holds no responsibility or liability in this regard.
·      Papers should be prepared according to topics of the conference.
·      Papers should not exceed 5 pages, format-A4, 12 pt, Times New Roman, left 25 mm, right 15 mm, top and bottom 20 mm, interval-1, paragraph 1,25. Illustrates and tables should not exceed 3,7 cm from left and right sides.
·      Title of paper should be written centered in 12 pt bold and capital letters. Below scientific degree, title, name, surname and patrynomic of author, his (her) affilited organisation and e-mail. 12 pt summary and key words in a paper language and english. A space between lines "12" in size and in the language of the article written in small letters in the English language summary and keywords in italics.
·      References should be given in the text in square brackets [1] and listed in alphabetical order.

Sur name, first name, patronymic, academic degree
Organization name, city
·          Brief abstract (in English)
·          Key words (in English)
·          Text of the article
·          References
Paper submission and registration:
All papers should be submitted on or before September 15, 2015 through on-line abstract submission and registration on the website of university (www.adau.edu.az) or email to conference2015asau@gmail.com
There is no registration fee.   

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